I’ve seen the advertising business relentlessly evolve, yet one truth has remained constant: our industry’s greatest asset is ...
Ohio has a tapestry of religions now, many with historical roots tied to the setate's early settlement. But numerous ...
A new book of natural history essays co-written by a University of Kansas paleontologist has been published by Columbia ...
Researchers reveal how past climate shifts and vegetation changes drove the evolution and migration of early human species ...
Raymond Williams showed us what Marxist cultural analysis should really involve in a series of brilliant works. ...
Concerned about the current state of America? Worried that the nation’s values have faded? So is Timothy S. Goeglein, author ...
Jenn Adams looks at Zoe Kravitz's film 'Blink Twice', its examination of a post-#MeToo world, and the aftermath of ...
I believe the characteristics of a smart hospital can help provide a guide for incorporating AI and other technological ...
Recent years have given rise to health-based benefits to cater to modern employees. Discover how nontraditional benefits can ...
Tonight is Culture Night and right around the country events have been organised to showcase local talent and provide ...
Scientists have suspected that modern humans have more genes to digest starch than our hunter-gatherer ancestors, but the ...
Eggs are remarkably complicated biological devices that have developed in diverse ways in different species.