"We gotta be the dumbest father and son combination! ... Shoot the wood, dawg, and see if it catches on fire!" Deion ... Sanders told ESPN. “I love Jerry and believe in Jerry. After you hang ...
Deion Sanders wore a few different helmets during his NFL career, winning Super Bowls with two teams and earning an All-Pro selection with three. While fans may know Sanders better as Coach Prime ...
Deion Sanders has enjoyed an unmatched ... Are the shoes inspired by the Atlanta Falcons or the San Francisco 49ers? Sanders last played for the Falcons in 1993, before spending one season with ...
but I Believe!" Sanders has long expressed his desire to provide his mother with the life she deserves. That moment became a reality in 1989 when he was drafted by the Atlanta Falcons as a Florida ...
"I can't explain how happy and how thoughtful and thankful I am for this day," Deion Sanders said. "I've been praying about this day. I've been anticipating this day. You gotta understand ...
From firing Mike McCarthy as head coach on Monday to targeting Deion Sanders as their Plan ... I love Jerry and believe in Jerry. After you hang up, and process it, and think about it, it ...