Facebookis levivad postitused, milles väidetakse, et Kaja Kallas müüs Alex Sorosele 420 hektarit maad Eestis, kuhu hakatakse ...
Euroopa Liidu välis- ja julgeolekupoliitika kõrge esindaja Kaja Kallas on visiidil Washingtonis, kus pidi muu hulgas kohtuma USA välisministri Marco Rubioga. Täna aga selgus, et kohtumine jääb ära.
Eks brittidel võis olla kümneid loogilisi põhjendusi, näiteks et Baltimaade seisukohad on teada ja liiga suur jututuba läheb ...
The EU's foreign policy chief, Kaja Kallas, declared a need for new global leadership after U.S. President Trump clashed with ...
Läinud reedel kohtusid USA ja Ukraina riigipead, et allkirjastada maavarade leping. Kohtumisest sai aga täielik fopaa, mis ...
The European Union’s (EU) foreign policy chief Kaja Kallas said “any quick fix” in forging a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia should not be done without the involvement of the rest ...
EU's Kallas: Listening to Vance Speech Felt Like United States Was Trying to Pick Fight With Us MUNICH (Reuters) - The European Union's foreign policy chief Kaja Kallas said on Friday that a ...
"It’s time we rearm, reequip and stand ready for Europe’s defence," Kaja Kallas wrote on X before a Special European Council meeting Thursday where leaders will have talks on defense spending.
JOHANNESBURG, Feb 20 (Reuters) - European Union foreign policy chief Kaja Kallas said on Thursday that interactions between the United States and Russia showed Moscow had not given up its ...
EU's Kallas Warns Against Ukraine Talks Giving in to Russian Aggression By Tannur Anders and Nellie Peyton JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - European Union foreign policy chief Kaja Kallas said on Thursday ...