The “Bererix” joint venture of Belgium’s Besix and Latvia’s Rere Buve has finished the first phase of a new railway bridge ...
Five major construction groups have been shortlisted in the Rail Baltica tender process. This is the largest public procurement process in Estonia's history, worth up to €900 million. The results of ...
High-speed rail link Rail Baltica will this year reach Pärnu County in southwestern Estonia after a contract was signed for a 16-kilometer section, at a price tag of €62 million. Anvar Salomets, ...
Kriminālprocesā par dzelzceļa projekta "Rail Baltica" ieviešanā atbildīgo amatpersonu iespējamām nelikumībām tiek vērtēti arī politiķi, pirmdien Latvijas Televīzijas raidījuma "Kas notiek Latvijā" ...