Children’s lives in the UK are changing. They are becoming shorter in height. More of them are going hungry than they were a ...
It might not be sexy, but the answer to the endemic housing crisis not just in Britain but across the West is something relatively simple: effective property taxes ‘I’ll build houses for your children ...
Mary O’Hara and Danny Dorling, 'Austerity Bites: 10 Years On' and 'Peak Injustice'.
A growing body of evidence points to high and rising inequality as one of our current decade’s most important global issues in light of the far-reaching implications increasingly associated with it.
Great economic inequalities will be hard to sustain during and following slowdown. As things change less, it will become much more difficult to make money out of a shrinking and ageing population who ...
"I am extremely grateful to Karen Shook, first editor of this work, for her meticulous attention to detail, her deep sympathy for the concept, and keeping a caring eye on it through to the end. I am ...
No-one plucks the heart strings like Danny Dorling, but he does it with devastating facts and graphs. This searing book spells out British children’s lives, divided by the deepest inequality since the ...
He was previously a professor at the University of Sheffield for a decade, and before that, at the University of Leeds. He has also worked as an academic in Newcastle and Bristol. He was born and ...
A home-owning majority in Britain was a one-generation blip. But if we are becoming a renting country again, we’ll need better regulation Sometimes cliches get repeated so frequently that we no longer ...
New statistics offer hope—but the accuracy of such figures is notoriously difficult to assess. The news hardly made the headlines when it came out earlier this month. On Thursday 3rd August 2017 the ...
They work hard at ensuring that their situation is never obvious to other parents and children. It’s called ‘keeping up appearances’, and it often comes close to living a lie. Not being late, being ...