The standard model for how galaxies formed in the early universe predicted that the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) would see dim signals from small, primitive galaxies. But data are not confirming ...
This list of commonly confused terms in astronomy will help you better understand the cosmos and the common phenomena we see in the sky.
The universe is filled with galaxies, including our own Milky Way. When pictured, galaxies appear like fairly set areas with ...
This MSc requires students to have an undergraduate degree level of knowledge in physics, astronomy, astrophysics or related discipline, who wish to develop a career in astrophysics and related fields ...
Since 1954, the University of Maine has been on the map for astronomy viewing technology. Now, the Versant Power Astronomy ...
If you’re lucky—for a sufficiently broad definition of “lucky”—you’ll materialize over the surface of a star (or inside one) ...
We tied 7th in the UK for the quality of our Physics research environment, with 75% considered to be conducive to producing research of world-leading quality and enabling outstanding impact, in terms ...
The problem is that Earth is the only place that fits that definition—at the moment. We know of approximately 6,000 exoplanets (and the number is growing) out there. Only a few come close to the ...
"We're essentially exploring the boundaries of what biology can be, and based on this study, it seems that our definition of life doesn't have to be as narrow in the lab as it is in nature." ...
Europa Clipper is a perfect example of how astronomy and art are intertwined. A metallic plate about the size of a standard sheet of printer paper is bolting through space as you read this ...
ROCHESTER — Here’s a bright idea. Look to the west after sunset; the brightest star on the west horizon right now is Venus. If you hold your hand out at arm’s length, put your thumb at Venus ...