Scientists and geologists have discovered something shocking on the Earth’s map. The continent of Africa is splitting in two, which means that a new ocean could form over time. This split could change ...
Scientists with a new theory about how Earth’s early continents formed predicted where a superold impact crater should ...
We have discovered the oldest meteorite impact crater on Earth, in the very heart of the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The crater formed more than 3.5 billion years ago, making it the oldest ...
The oldest meteorite impact crater on Earth (3.5 billion years old) has been discovered in Western Australia's Pilbara region ...
Scientific revolution in the transportation industry has been making leaps and bounds in the past decade. From alternative engine solutions, to new transportation routes, the world is becoming ...
But geographically, the island doesn't loom quite as large as you might think. Centuries of flawed maps have led to a ...
Extraordinary heat from a future supercontinent formation could lead to a mass extinction of mammals, including humans, in ...
Meta (formerly Facebook) plans to build the world's longest undersea cable that will be longer than the Earth is round. The ...
For centuries, the world has accepted the idea that Earth is divided into ... If the six-continent model gains traction, educational materials, maps, and even global politics could be affected.
limited to the steep margins that border Earth's thickest and oldest lithosphere," said Gibson. "These regions are typically found in the cores of our planet's major continents." Gibson said that ...
After consulting the GSWA maps and aerial photography ... for the oldest impact crater on Earth. Perhaps our ideas regarding the ultimate origin of the continents were not so mad, as many told ...