Tokyo Joshi Pro star Shoko Nakajima is getting a title shot in her MLW debut. MLW announced today that Nakajima will challenge Women’s Featherweight Champion Delmi Exo at Battle Riot VII in Los ...
América y Chivas se enfrentarán tres veces consecutivas por el calendario de Concachampions y Liga MX, será transmitido por TV Azteca CRÉDITO: Fernando Carranza García/ ...
Pero, para este Clausura 2025 habría un cambio significativo para el público. Surgió el reporte de que TV Azteca estaría en negociaciones para quedarse con los derechos de transmisión del ...
At the time of his passing, Ramirez was 64 years old. His career in wrestling spanned all the way back to 1985, the year of ...
TV Azteca, en su área de deportes, se ha consolidado como una de las más fuertes en el país. Sobre todo, cuando se habla de transmisiones de futbol, donde gracias a Christian Martinoli ...
La sopa azteca es uno de los platillos más representativos de la gastronomía mexicana. Esta sopa de tortilla se caracteriza por su sabor intenso a chile y su combinación de ingredientes ...
WWE and AEW aren’t the only ones making talent cuts as Major Wrestling Wrestling (MLW) has joined the fray. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting that MLW is expected to release multiple ...
The “King of Bros” is forced to defend the MLW World Heavyweight Championship in a 40-wrestler match where pinfalls, submissions, and over-the-top eliminations all count. Now Riddle is no stranger to ...
Alex Kane is ready to riot. Major League Wrestling announced that Alex Kane will enter MLW Battle Riot VII on April 5. This move was announced as the first decree by a new MLW President Cesar Duran ...
En otro día de noticias dentro delpro wrestling, más concretamente deMLW, os traemos que se anuncia la cartelera MLW Intimidation Games 2025. Cartelera MLW Intimidation Games 2025 Major League ...
MLW announcer Christian Cole took to Twitter on Monday to announce that he’s been released from the company. He wrote, “As of today I’ve been released from my MLW contract and am now able to seek ...