Samsung's Galaxy S25 Ultra, equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset and Android 15, features a 6.9-inch QHD+ display and a 5,000 mAh bat ...
Google’s new Android Linux Terminal app could let you run Linux apps on your smartphone, but not on Samsung devices.
The grand Samsung Galaxy S25 unveiling was also the first time anyone got a good look at One UI 7, Samsung's take on Android 15—it's now available on the Galaxy S25 handsets, and will be making its ...
The Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra is ready to roll as the top-tier smartphone from the brand -- has it changed enough this year to ...
Samsung has broadly outlined its plans for future foldable phones, and it sounds like a new model could be on the way.
Samsung launched the Galaxy S25 series this month, though we already knew pretty much everything about the devices thanks to leaks. The company has more releases lined up for this year, including the ...
Looks like the South Korean manufacturer could opt for different chips for its clamshell and book-style foldable.
The new multicam remote functionality, which was introduced on the iOS and iPadOS versions of the app last August, allows a ...
Back in December, with Bixby Voice version, Samsung quietly removed one of the smart assistant's key features: ...
Bluetooth audio is everywhere, but it turns out Samsung is thinking about using UWB instead of Bluetooth for future earphones ...
On the surface, it looks like Samsung did the bare minimum to release a new flagship phone. However, once you spend time with ...