It stands metres high, takes a decade to flower, smells like death and draws huge crowds when it blooms. But scientists are ...
While plant stem cells have not received the same spotlight, they hold immense potential for advancing agriculture and food ...
Stem cells in plants are crucial for their growth and development, controlling cell division and differentiation in roots, ...
Research highlights the importance of plant stem cells in growth and stability. By overexpressing the HVA gene, Wang’s lab ...
Huanzhong Wang, professor of plant molecular biology in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR), ...
Position your plant where it will get plenty of light but in summer move it out of strong sunlight as this will cause leaf ...
South Korean drug maker Daewoong Pharmaceutical has announced the launch of a new stem cell plant in Indonesia, marking the ...
The string of pearls is a distinct hanging plant with plump pearl-like leaves running along a string-like stem. This unique ...
Networks of colorful veins decorate nerve plant’s small leaves. The intricately patterned leaves are available in shades of ...
Indoor palm plants are a beautiful addition to any room. From Cat Palms to Kentia Palms to Lady Palms, this list of plants ...
Pruning is such a big part of fall cleanup that it may come as a surprise to hear me insist you put the clippers down for a ...