In Venice’s historic center, thou shalt not do a lot of things. No eating or drinking outside restaurants, cafes or bars in ...
If we are lucky, we might have a set of confusing answers. We would have vague answers, referring to the Mexican or Brazilian ...
Uruguay is beautiful and an often overlooked destination in South America. It has much to offer, including beautiful beaches like Punta del Este, a rich cultural heritage, delicious food and wine, and ...
Who said you need to fly halfway across the globe to experience some of that Old World charm? In case you weren't aware, ...
1918 The South American Athletics Confederation – Confederación Sudamericana de Atletismo or ‘ConSudAtle’ – is formed in Buenos Aires, with founding members Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. 1919 The ...
Orsi promises modern left agenda balancing welfare and growth Uruguay faces pressure from US on Chinese investments Orsi's Broad Front holds Senate majority, lacks lower house control MONTEVIDEO ...
Welcoming foreign shoots while the rest of Latin America was in COVID lockdown, Uruguay has benefited from a growing influx of international productions, with local talent and crew gaining ...
And according to a new study, some familiar landmarks in the First State are among the top 120 alternative sights to see in the United States that international travelers want to visit.
At present, Uruguay’s fossil fuel plants provide just 2 percent of the nation’s energy and are only rarely activated in the infrequent case that renewable power production falls short of demand.
World Atlas, a geography and travel publication, released a list of the strangest Arizona landmarks. These "more strange and overlooked attractions hold some of the most memorable sights and ...
An inspiring beat begins as sounds of diverse instruments start to chime in, carrying listeners through images of Toronto’s foods, landmarks and multiculturalism, in a recently dropped remix ...