Rachel Reeves and the Labour government are assume AI data centres will drive economic growth - but the data says otherwise.
Sir Keir Starmer abandoned pledge to invest £28 bn in green infrastructure - but remains committed to useless carbon capture ...
Huge majority of people disagree with Labour's claim that building a third runway at Heathrow is the right priority.
A provocative new manifesto calls for a global movement for 'rupture' to prevent the descent into climate chaos.
Stephan’s integrity and humility on his own path of becoming a vehicle through which life’s regenerative impulse can act gave him the ability to not simply speak about Gaia, but speak as Gaia.
What I'm sharing is simply my thoughts composted from my time in nonviolent civil resistance with Extinction Rebellion, Insulate Britain and Just Stop Oil, being part of the Whole Truth 5 trial last ...
Gage Skidmore / Creative Commons 2.0. Extreme wealth is fuelling environmental collapse. It’s time to draw the line. Extreme wealth destabilises democracy, distorts markets, blocks climate action, and ...