Canada has a long and proud history of welcoming newcomers from around the world who support our economy and enrich our ...
According to the latest data from the Labour Force Survey, the overall unemployment rate rose from 6.4% to 6.6%. The unemployment rate trended up since April 2023, rising 1.5 percentage points over ...
Immigration must be responsive to our country’s needs. Setting goals and targets for immigration is a critical part of how we ...
Properties were selected because of their suitability for housing development. We are continuing to review federal surplus and underutilized properties, as well as actively working with partners to ...
Notice: The list of clinics below may contain inaccurate or out-of-date entries, including information for clinics that are no longer designated as Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres. We continue to ...
We rank candidates in the pool using a points-based system called the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). When we hold Express Entry rounds of invitations, we choose the type of round we’ll hold ...
Federally regulated financial institutions can only provide you with a line of credit if they have your express consent. If you give verbal consent, they must provide you with confirmation of your ...
Vous pouvez utiliser le Portail de résidence permanente pour présenter la plupart des demandes de résidence permanente. Si nous approuvons votre demande, vous serez en mesure de confirmer votre statut ...
Renseignements sur quand et comment verser les sommes dues, déclarer un versement nul, confirmer la réception du paiement et corriger un versement ou un paiement mal attribué.
Engagé à faire avancer l’égalité en ce qui concerne le sexe, l’orientation sexuelle et l’identité ou l’expression de genre par l’inclusion des personnes de tous les genres, y compris les femmes, à la ...