The 63-79 Grove Road shopping parade in Norwich is set to get a makeover after plans were approved by Norwich City Council.
Interest has been shown in turning a plot of rural farmland off Alburgh Road in Hempnall into the site of five new homes.
A Norfolk Conservative club once frequented by Liz Truss has been at the centre of an extraordinary year-long police investigation.
The owner of Black Barn Farm has been given approval to install two EV chargers and 135 roof-mounted solar panels on the site.
South Norfolk Council is spending £250,000 a year on its former HQ in Long Stratton as redevelopment efforts are stalled.
Norwich City Council received 50 complaints about buskers outside Primark in Haymarket between January and November 2024.
It certainly wasn’t the week that many Norwich City fans had hoped for and some had expected, says Canaries columnist Robin Sainty.
As we approach the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and our soldiers returning we should also remember the men and women at ...
The Garden House pub in Norwich has raised more than £42,000 for local causes alongside the Craft Union Pub Company.
The Norfolk Rural Business Awards are set to return for their second year. This means that farmers, food and drink producers, tourism attractions, and other ambassadors for the county will be ...
Daphne bholua 'Jacqueline Postill' (Image: Ruth Darrah) It is best planted near the door or path so that you can enjoy the scent as much as possible. Grow in fertile, moist but well-drained soil in ...
A pop-up shop offering free school uniforms is set to open for a second week in February. The Castle Quarter initiative aims to help parents of school-age children reduce the cost of buying new ...