Namibian businesses have been awarded tenders worth N$11.8 billion through the Central Procurement Board of Namibia (CPBN) ...
The prices of petrol as well as both variants of diesel will go up by 50 cents a litre as from Wednesday, 5 March. This is [… ...
Swakop Uranium employees can now invest in Namitvest shares through a new payroll deduction agreement. Namitvest Investment ...
The Capricorn Group has paid N$656 million to the government and regulators in the last six months. According to the group's ...
A man (37) has been arrested for allegedly raping his nieces aged nine and seven in the Omuthiya constituency in the Oshikoto ...
After disappearing from the music scene for three years, gospel musician Sovita Joshua, or the ‘Queen of Gospel’, has ...
A man (31) died after he was struck with a wine bottle during an argument at a bar in the Oshikoto region on Sunday. Oshikoto ...
Gandhi Amukwa (25), the first baby born at the Indira Gandhi Clinic in the Omusati region, says the support of founding ...
Two men died in a car accident while two others were seriously injured along the B1 road between Otjiwarongo and Otavi on ...
Portuguese oil and gas company Galp has found light oil and gas condensate in the fifth well within its second exploration ...
Namibia ranks 10th among Africa’s most productive economies, with a labour productivity rate of US$15.6 (about N$274) per ...
Police inspector general Joseph Shikongo has thanked Namibians for their good behaviour during the national mourning period ...