Read the report. Make an impact. Heal Country. The 2021 State of the Environment report (SoE 2021) provides an independent, comprehensive and evidence-based assessment of the state of Australia’s ...
The Sri Lankan Government has undertaken the task of providing legal backing for State-owned Enterprises (SOE) reform policies by enacting a Public Commercial Businesses Act These reforms have been ...
Indonesia is preparing to launch a second sovereign wealth fund to attract investment, reform state-owned enterprises and extract higher dividends. However, as details about the new fund surface, ...
While the attorneys made it clear that their client was not opposed in any way to the declaration of the state of emergency (SoE), they said Persad had concerns over the sweeping powers of the ...
For more information about the state of our environment, including information about the climate, extreme events, indigenous knowledge or to explore what others are already doing. Visit ...