An Indigenous People. While Jews' primary concern is how we understand ourselves, Freeman writes, indigeneity also offers a ...
There is perhaps no aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that is subject to greater distortion than the so-called Palestinian ‘right of return’. The term refers to the demand, erroneously stated ...
I believed a lot of antisemitic garbage for many years. (I wrote about it for Fathom, here.) This is a huge source of shame, but it gives me one advantage over most opponents of antisemitism: I know ...
Pnina Pfeuffer (right) speaking at an Israel-Palestine: Creative Regional Initiatives (IPCRI) event titled 'Violence, Revenge and Redemption : A close look at Jewish radical violence', 27 February ...
It is with great awe and trepidation that I agreed to put on the page my reflections on the publishing of Chasidim Just Laugh. Just as our connection to G-d is inherently personal and therefore ...
Centrism is ‘the antidote to the extremism and sustained attacks on liberal democracy that are sweeping much of the democratic world.’ So writes Yair Zivan, the editor of this timely volume, setting ...
Moshe Ya’alon is a former Chief of Staff for the IDF and served under the Netanyahu government for three years as Defence Minister. Since resigning from the Defence Ministry in May 2016, Ya’alon has ...
Rabbi Binyamin (left) and Martin Buber, two members of Brit Shalom. The David B. Keidan Collection of Digital Images/Wikimedia Commons.
Editorial introduction to the Symposium: Perry Anderson’s long essay, ‘The House of Zion’, was published in the November-December 2015 issue of New Left Review, the ‘flagship journal of the Western ...
Photo by Leeor Ohayon taken at Adi Keissar home in Israel in 2015:
Antisemites have long depicted the Jews as a perverse, predatory, and pornographic people; horny vampires of the Orient. That ghoulish portrait — which, for short, can be called the ‘lust libel’ — is ...