Pitt’s Chief Financial Officer Dwayne Pinkney said enrollment trends, inflation and flat state funding were also behind the decision.
From the Pittsburgh Japanese Film Festival to St. Patrick's Day celebrations, there's a ton going on in Pittsburgh this ...
Mario R. Rossero is back in Pittsburgh to run the cultural landmark where he started his career as an arts educator in 1997.
A Fringe is an amazing chance to see something that might be big before it blows up. You can discover a lot of hidden gems.” ...
The first reaction most Pittsburghers have to Gaelic football?“That’s like rugby, right?” The second? Pure, unfiltered astonishment.
2. Wholey’s Market employs a marine biologist who used to be employed by the Pittsburgh Zoo. His job is to maintain all the ...
Forget basketball, it's bread versus filling. We're looking for the best sandwich in Pittsburgh, and we need your votes to ...
Have you ever taken a drive in Observatory Hill and felt a little nebby looking at the grand homes on Judge’s Row? In the ...
PGH Trivia is testing the city’s knowledge on "Real Housewives," "Twilight" and much more at Two Frays and Hazel Grove ...
Want to hit a Friday fish fry but don't know where to start? Our readers voted these 11 fries the best in the Burgh during ...
Pittsburgh once had a significant cohort of women pilots who flew airplanes for fun and for profit. Roberta Wassel was one of them.
Spring is on the way. Our weekend event guide is packed with things to do in Pittsburgh from History Uncorked to The Thaw to ...